You’ll be surprised to know how many health issues can be addressed with proper hydration. Consuming lots of fluids is the best medicine-free way to tackle a UTI and water is the best choice. A body well supplied with fluids can flush out the infection-causing bacteria better and faster.
If you don’t typically reach your daily quota of water intake, make consuming at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day your top priority.
Even if you drink sufficient water, drinking a few extra glasses of water will go a long way toward a speedy recovery from the infection.
Method 2: Using Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice creates an acidic environment that prevents bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder and making a permanent residence. When the bacteria are unable to cling to the bladder’s walls, they are easily expelled through urination. This prevents the bacteria from multiplying, ultimately reducing the infection.
For treating UTIs, always opt for unsweetened, unprocessed and organic cranberry juice. It will be very tart, but that’s what is ultimately beneficial.
Consume about 2 to 3 glasses of cranberry juice daily for good results.
You can also consume half a glass of cranberry juice daily as a preventive measure.
Consuming cranberry juice can prove especially beneficial if you suffer from recurring UTIs.
You can also eat fresh cranberries to get the same effect. You can top your cereal, porridge or oatmeal with cranberries, or add cranberries to your smoothies.
Blueberries hail from the same family as cranberries and thus can help you fight UTIs too. You can consume blueberries in the same way that you would the cranberries.
Method 3: Using Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
Apple cider vinegar is a good home remedy for treating a UTI that can come in quite handy. The best advantage against a UTI is treating it as early as possible. If you keep some ACV in your kitchen, you’ll have no problem resorting to it should you feel the symptoms in the middle of the night.
One of the best antimicrobial remedies in existence, ACV can beat the infection and ease the symptoms of the UTI. The enzymes and minerals present in the ACV fight off the bacteria that cause the infection. ACV also maintains an acidic environment, which is unfriendly to the infection-causing bacteria. It also reestablishes the gut with friendly bacteria.
For the best results, consume raw and unrefined ACV that has the “mother of the vinegar” present in it. This cloudy sediment is what gives the ACV its beneficial properties.
Things you’ll need:
Apple cider vinegar – 1 to 2 tablespoons
Warm water – 1 glass
Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of ACV to a glass of warm water and mix thoroughly.
Consume this ACV drink daily to ease the symptoms of a UTI.
To make the drink more palatable, you may add natural sweeteners like stevia. You may also use pure, organic raw honey, which itself has antibacterial properties.
Alternatively, you can consume ACV with any juice in order to help with the taste.
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Method 4: Using Garlic
If you’re dealing with a drug-resistant strain of bacteria, garlic may help your cause. Allicin and other sulfur compounds present in garlic have proven beneficial in eliminating a variety of strains of different bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. You can also use garlic as a natural substitute to antibiotics.
In addition to its potent antibiotic properties, garlic is anti-inflammatory. Thus, it also helps bring relief from the exacting symptoms of a UTI. You can either consume raw garlic or drink garlic tea.
Peel and crush a good-sized clove of garlic and consume it orally. Chewing it is not necessary. You can wash it down with a mouthful of water like a capsule. Consume 3 or 4 cloves a day in this manner.
Alternatively, completely crush a couple of garlic cloves and add them to a glass of warm water. Let it steep for 3 to 5 minutes. Strain and drink this tea. This tea can be consumed once or twice a day.
Method 5: Using Baking Soda
In a pinch, you can also use baking soda to bring relief from the painful symptoms of a UTI. Baking soda can help neutralize the acidity of your urine, easing the burning sensation every time you urinate. Baking soda also helps relieve the accompanying pain and boosts the recovery process.
Things you’ll need:
Baking soda – 1 teaspoon
Water – 1 glass
Mix the baking soda into the water
Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water.
Stir until the baking soda completely dissolves into the water.
Consume this baking soda water once daily, first thing in the morning, for relief from symptoms.
Note: Consume this drink for not more than a week. You should avoid this drink if you’re keeping a watch on your sodium intake. Do not consume more than the prescribed dosage, as overdoing this may cause problems instead.
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