Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Removes Plaque And White Your Teeth In 15 Min With This Recipe!

Removes Plaque And White Your Teeth In 15 Min With This Recipe!

Keeping your teeth clean and healthy is an essential part of our oral hygiene. The teeth are highly important for our overall health, and should be kept healthy at all times.

They are constantly under attack of bacteria which can multiply blazingly fast and cause problems such as cavities or bad breath. Another big problem for the teeth is dental plaque – if it accumulates on the teeth in excess, it can enter the root and cause big problems.

In order to remove dental plaque, a few dentist visits are required. However, they are time consuming and expensive as well, which is why everyone is wishing for a simpler way of keeping the teeth clean. Luckily, such a thing exists! We’ll show you how a natural remedy that can reduce the amount of plaque and prevent problems such as periodontitis. The remedy is based on baking soda, one of the most powerful compounds against dental plaque:



  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda
  • ½ a cup of mineral water
  • ½ a teaspoon of salt water
  • ½ a cup of hydrogen peroxide
  • ½ a cup of warm water
  • ½ a cup of cold water
  • Antiseptic mouthwash
  • Toothbrush
  • Dental floss


Mix the baking soda with the salt, then wet your toothbrush in warm water and dip it in the mixture. Gently rub your teeth with it and spit out after a few seconds. The next step is to combine the hydrogen peroxide with the warm water and swish the mixture in your mouth for about a minute. Afterwards, spit it out and rinse with the ½ cup of cold water.

Now, rub the yellow tartar from your teeth with dental floss, but be careful not to scratch the gums as the floss can damage them. Finally, rinse your mouth with the antiseptic mouthwash. For best results, we suggest repeating the process every two days.


In order to keep your teeth healthy and free of plaque, you can use strawberries and tomatoes and vitamin C-rich foods in general. Simply cut these fruits in half and rub them on your teeth, then let the juices work for 5 minutes – you can do the same with lemons, oranges, papaya or grapefruit. This will soften the plaque and make it easier for removal. Next, rinse your mouth with a mixture of baking soda and warm water. Consuming cheddar or swiss cheese before your meals will neutralize the acids that are involve in the creation of dental plaque and prevent its accumulation.

Consume more spicy foods in order to prevent the accumulation of plaque on your teeth. Spicy foods stimulate production of saliva which can clean your mouth naturally. Brushing and flossing is highly important as well – try to move the brush vertically and don’t forget to clean the space between the teeth and gums. Instead of using mouthwash, rub your teeth with orange peel before going to bed and don’t rinse. This will kill the bacteria in your oral cavity and keep it healthy and clean. Include these tips in your daily routine and your smile will soon look perfect!


Original article and pictures take site

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